Lounges 2024 Karlsruhe
Ready-Engineered Lösungen bei Zeitdruck zur Markteinführung
Ready-engineered solutions for constrains of time to market

Various innovative, aseptic-toxic filling concepts are presented in which the filling line merges with the isolator and is viewed as a single unit. he development of the various innovative, aseptic-toxic filling concepts focussed on optimum operability, employee protection and cleanability. These concepts seamlessly integrate the filling line with the isolator to form a single unit. This ensures efficient and safe handling. Operability has been optimised to facilitate the work process and increase productivity. At the same time, great emphasis was placed on protecting employees by safely containing potentially toxic substances. The cleanability of the filling line has also been taken into account to enable easy and thorough cleaning. Overall, these innovative filling concepts offer an advanced solution for aseptic and toxic filling processes that meet the highest standards in terms of safety, efficiency and hygiene.

Robert Kibele