
CP-CLASH starts the first round!
Harald Martin
Inspire GmbH

"CP-Clash" is an innovative discussion format in which Wolfgang Rudloff and Ruven Brandes, two recognized experts with in-depth experience in the pharmaceutical industry, discuss current and complex topics from the cleanroom and process technology sector.

Each episode focuses on specific aspects of pharmaceutical production, quality assurance and compliance, with discussions focusing in particular on the practical implementation of new regulatory requirements such as Annex 1. Wolfgang, with his extensive experience in GMP compliance and as CEO, and Ruven, recognized for his technical expertise and quality awareness, provide in-depth insights and solutions.

Viewers can look forward to a series of engaging dialogues in which the two experts not only analyze challenges, but also present practical strategies and innovative solutions that can be applied directly in the industry. Whether in front of a crackling fireplace or in a forest of paragraphs - the different settings set the right atmosphere for the discussion and stimulate the exchange between the two.

"CP-CLASH" is therefore more than just a discussion format; it is a platform for specialist knowledge, insights and inspiring debates that appeals to and enriches both industry insiders and interested laypeople.

→ HERE you can find the first two episodes!

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Harald Martin
Inspire GmbH