

"CP-CLASH" is an innovative discussion format in which Wolfgang Rudloff and Ruven Brandes, two recognized experts with in-depth experience in the pharmaceutical industry, discuss current and complex topics from the cleanroom and process technology sector.
Each episode focuses on specific aspects of pharmaceutical production, quality assurance and compliance, with discussions focusing in particular on the practical implementation of new regulatory requirements such as Annex 1. Wolfgang, with his extensive experience in GMP compliance and as CEO, and Ruven, recognized for his technical expertise and quality awareness, provide in-depth insights and solutions.
Viewers can look forward to a series of engaging dialogues in which the two experts not only analyze challenges, but also present practical strategies and innovative solutions that can be applied directly in the industry. Whether in front of a crackling fireplace or in a forest of paragraphs - the different settings set the right atmosphere for the discussion and stimulate the exchange between the two.
"CP-CLASH" is therefore more than just a discussion format; it is a platform for specialist knowledge, insights and inspiring debates that appeals to and enriches both industry insiders and interested laypeople.
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The speakers:


Ruven Brandes has over 15 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Known for his technical expertise and strong quality awareness, he is one of the top 100 IIoT influencers since 2020. As an engineer, the integration of technical aspects with GMP standards is particularly close to his heart. Through his diverse professional experience, Ruven has developed a comprehensive understanding of the multi-layered perspectives within the pharmaceutical industry. Active in expert committees such as ISPE and VDI, he is a sought-after speaker at congresses and an influential author in the industry.


Wolfgang Rudloff is CEO of Experts Institut Beratungs GmbH and has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. He specializes in GMP compliance, technical management and preparation for FDA inspections. His engineering background and leadership roles, particularly in cannabis consulting and GMP upgrade implementation, highlight his extensive expertise. Wolfgang is also a sought-after speaker and author.

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Sequence: 1
Speakers: Ruven Brandes and Wolfgang Rudloff

In the opening episode of CP-Clash, Wolfgang and Ruven venture deep into the dense "paragraph forest" of regulatory requirements. They have an in-depth debate about the innovations introduced by Annex 1 and their potential impact on the pharmaceutical industry:

Can Annex 1 really help to streamline existing quality assurance processes? Wolfgang and Ruven investigate what specific changes are planned and how these could influence working methods.

The episode highlights how Annex 1 could make training on working in cleanrooms more efficient. Find out how these changes promote employee awareness and expertise.

The focus is particularly on excipient and primary packaging material suppliers. The discussion revolves around the extent to which they will now be held more accountable and what consequences this will have for the supply chain.

Join Wolfgang and Ruven as they explore the regulatory jungle and discover whether Annex 1 really helps to pave the way for clear and efficient processes.

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Sequence: 2
Speakers: Ruven Brandes and Wolfgang Rudloff

Wolfgang and Ruven continue their discussion about the technical aspects of Annex 1 in front of the crackling fire in the cozy fireplace room. In this episode of CP-CLASH, they shed light on how the requirements can be implemented in practice:

Which certificates are essential and which could be superfluous? The duo discuss whether and which certifications are really necessary to meet the requirements of Annex 1.

The right supplier management strategy is crucial, especially when working on critical equipment. Wolfgang and Ruven discuss how to work effectively with suppliers and what control mechanisms should be established.

Robust defense strategies are essential for critical assets. Our experts shed light on which strategies are most effective and how to ensure that critical control points are protected at all times.

Don't miss this insightful episode that highlights key technical aspects of Annex 1 and offers practical advice for implementation.

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