Lounges 2024 Karlsruhe
PharmaVerse, wo Lieferanten Kunden treffen
PharmaVerse, where suppliers meets customers

In our showcase, we demonstrate various use cases in the use of virtual reality. For this purpose, Pharmaplan has developed its own virtual pharmaceutical campus in which both suppliers of pharmaceutical equipment and customers can explore the potential of virtual reality in a shared space. Pharmaplan calls this Platform PharmaVerse. We also see the potential in the presentation within EPCM projects and concepts for customers and partners to offer them a realistic and immersive experience. By using VR, problems in the planning and execution of projects can be can be identified and rectified at an early stage before they manifest themselves in the real world and have costly repercussions effects.

Christian Miguel-Langstrof
Enrico Grimm
Ruben Hornung