
Be inspired by 3 top-class specialist presentations on the topic of biohacking!
Harald Martin
Inspire GmbH

You can find the three presentations in detail here.


Biohacking 101 - Unleash resilience and well-being!

Rolf Duda, Peakwolf

- Introduction to biohacking

- More energy and focus 

- Strengthen resilience or resistance

- Tips and tricks for better sleep

In this inspiring keynote, you will explore the basics of biohacking and learn how to increase your resilience and well-being through targeted techniques. Rolf will guide you through proven methods, including specific breathing exercises and movement routines to strengthen your autonomic nervous system. Discover how stress management strategies not only boost your mental clarity and focus, but also increase your overall health and energy. Learn practical approaches to face the challenges of everyday life in a healthier and more resilient way.


Longevity made easy - How we can organize our everyday lives to stay healthy for longer.

Dr. Corinna Gaster, Rejoo

- Extending lifespan and improving health

- The influence of epigenetics

- Personalized health measures

Discover practical strategies and everyday habits that can effectively extend your lifespan. This talk will teach you science-based biohacking techniques that will increase your well-being and help you lead a more active and healthier life. Find out how you can improve your long-term health by making targeted adjustments to your diet, exercise and stress management.


Transformation Man / Body Mind Technology

Dr. Patrick Kramer, Upgraded Humans

- Technology and the digitalization of people 

- Quantified Self

- Hormesis

- DNA and body hacking

Description: Immerse yourself in the world of biohacking with Dr. Patrick Kramer and discover advanced technologies and methods for digitizing people. This talk will give you a comprehensive insight into key aspects of biohacking, from quantified self to hormesis to DNA and body hacking. Learn how these advanced techniques can expand human potential far beyond conventional approaches. Dr. Kramer will illustrate how a data-driven approach enables a profound transformation of body and mind and positions biohacking as an innovative strategy for self-optimization.


Look forward to immersing yourself in the world of biohacking!

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Harald Martin
Inspire GmbH