
DeltaV™ Discovery for Life Science Research

DeltaV™ Discovery for life sciences
Applications in the research lab

Pharmaceutical products often take more than 10 years
to reach the market and have to go through many
development and approval phases. Manufacturers are
challenged to shorten this time to market through more efficient
process scaling and technology transfer between development
phases. With the DeltaV™ Discovery platform, they improve
technology transfer and shorten scale-up time by providing
a common control platform as the drug evolves from research
and discovery through product development, clinical trials,
and commercial production.
DeltaV Discovery provides the power of DeltaV for non-production, non-GMP laboratory applications in
a single workstation, reducing footprint with workstation
based control and Ethernet I/O. Workstation-based
Ethernet I/O supports OPC, Modbus TCP and Ethernet/IP.

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